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Enrique Sanfeliu 1923


Top - Tapa - Tampo - Decke - Table d´harmonie - トップ
Pino abeto alemán / German Spruce

Back and Sides - Fondo y Aros - Fundo e Lateral ou faixas - Fond Éclisse - Fondo - バックとボディサイド
Jacarandá de Bahia / Rosewood from Bahia

Fingerboard - Diapason - Escala - Touche - Tastiera - フィンガーボード
Ebano / Ebony

Details - Detalles - Detalhes - Détails - Particolari - 詳細

string lenght (tiro): 650 mm
beetween 1 and 6 string in bridge: 56 mm
beetween 1 and 6 string in "cejuela" (nut): 44 mm


Enrique Sanfeliu
Enrique Sanfeliú was born in Valencia in 1882. As a child he showed a talent
for woodwork, and entertained himself making little guitars which he gave to
other children. Drawn to the guitar, he studied with Manuel Loscos, a disciple
of the great guitarist Tárrega. His studies rekindled his desire to make
guitars, and so he moved to Barcelona to pursue his dream. There he entered into
an apprenticeship in the Casa Estruch, but also began to frequent the workshop
of renowned Enrique Garcia and watch him work. Garcia for his part-- although he
could have easily refused to share his art with an apprentice from the shop of a
competitor-- with generosity of a great spirit, advised and instructed the eager
Sanfeliú. And Sanfeliú. for his part, remained forever grateful and proud to
have received such counsel." 


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Buenos Aires - Argentina